Global Discovery, Natural Gold, Diamonds & Precious Metals Prospecting Professional

Professional gold consultant

with full references from genuine companies

I could save you time and money

The advantages of using myself as a Consultant Advisor, with many years of experience behind me and references to back up my findings is that I could save your company time and money.

This is because if there is no gold in the areas on the map it saves you committing to applying for a licence which also takes time. If there is gold there and the quantities indicate that it is going to be financially feasible to raise then you can go ahead and get the licence for the area. The next stage is to go on site and pick up the best location and work out the direction, quantity and length of the deposit of the gold in grams per ton or diamond deposits in the form of carat per ton of ore or platinum deposits again in grams or ounces whichever is the richest for that deposit.

I will also add that, in my experience, it is good to use a Consultant Advisor, like myself, experienced in the field of minerals with a geologist as I find that the two together cuts down the risk of failure and improves the success rate for the Client or company.

It is possible for me to estimate the quantity of gold or precious metals such as diamond or Platinum deposits within the quartz veins and surrounding rocks, possibly the quality as well. All these points can be confirmed by the geologist as well as myself as a consultant advisor for you on results. Thus giving a more accurate finding by using both the consultant advisor and the geologist.

Other mining companies continue to make fortunes through divination.

The Clogau gold mine in North Wales struck a rich seam after bringing in the diviner Peter Taylor (me). The locations were found by map surveying first, before going on site. Bill Roberts, chairman of the mine, says: "He went down into our mine and his divining forks went wild. They seemed to seize control of him. Although we thought it a little spooky we decided to follow his advice and mine a new area that we'd never looked at before." "And we struck gold," he says. "We discovered a significant amount of gold."

Peter Taylor says - I am currently working for a client in New Zealand for gold deposits and I have successfully guided them to a successful location where they have confirmed (by telephone) that they have found gold. They will confirm this in writing in due course (watch this space)

30 years of experience and many hours of practical study have enabled me to hone my skills so that I can find gold deposits for companies.

I am insured as a consultant and advisor for gold mine companies

Using my skills alongside regular geologists reports I have been successful in locating gold deposits, and I have the references from real gold companies to prove it. I can also locate fractures, shatter zones and faults. I am also able to find alluvial and primary gold deposits. My long established company 'Global Discovery' has been quietly and efficiently finding gold for clients.


If you're interested in learning also about Oil & Gas research, please visit our dedicated website for this here:

If you're interested in all forms of research such as water, earth energies, archaeology, please visit our other website here:

If the answer to your question is not on this website, then please feel free to contact me - please include your telephone number for a quick reply:

J.P.Taylor. 6 Sunnyridge, Mold, Flintshire, North Wales, CH7 1RU. Tel: 01352 754052. email:

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